Venda por Link de Pagamento!

Venda online sem precisar ter um site ou maquininha de cartão, envie links de pagamento de maneira fácil e receba em 2 dias.

Issue free payment slips and booklets

Through your mobile phone or computer, you issue and control your collections.

Want to Save Money?

We can help your company save on fees, banking charges, and more…

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Are you far from your customer and don't want to lose sales?

In this mode, it's possible. Quickly, securely, and effectively.

Sell on WhatsApp

Send the payment link in your chats or groups, accept Pix, Boleto, or Credit Card.

Sell without leaving home

Sell remotely with the online payment link on social media, your customers will love it.

No se necesita máquina POS

You can sell without needing a POS terminal or a website, providing more speed and efficiency in your daily operations.

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Years in the market

A fantastic payment ecosystem!

Solutions for your company to sell more and better.

Bank Slip

With Serveloja, you get registered bank slips with no issuance, clearance, or cancellation fees.

Receivables Advance

You can receive payment for your sales whenever you need by advancing it directly into your bank account.

Payment gateway

With our payment gateway, you can easily integrate with the entire payment ecosystem.

Subscriptions & Recurrence

Charge subscriptions and recurring payments with a credit card, create plans, and receive payments via bank slip, credit card, or Pix. You set it up, and everything runs automatically.

Payment Split

Payment split allows dividing a consumer’s digital payment between two or more recipients.

Invoice Issuer

Your customer makes the payment, and the invoice is generated automatically, so you don’t have to worry about manual issuance.

Digital Account

More ease in your sales transactions. Track profits in real-time.

Pix for Businesses

Offer Pix as a payment method, increase your sales, and receive the money in seconds, directly into your digital account.

Discover other services

ServeMEI, Servedigital..

WooCommerce Plugin

Provides e-commerce owners with an elegant, fast, and responsive solution to finalize their sales using credit cards.

Forget the card reader

Now, it’s easy to sell and manage your business in a few clicks.
Ease in issuing payment slips, generating links, mobile recharge, payment by slip, extrajudicial collection, and more. Download the app and discover all the advantages and features!

  • Make Sales

    Venda Digitada, Venda com Link de Pagamento aceitando direto do seu celular, seu cliente paga com Pix, Boleto ou Cartão de Crédito.

  • Installment Payment Slip

    Issue payment slips through the app, send them to your customer’s WhatsApp, email, or social media.

  • Simulate Advance Payment

    Simulate advance payment and find out how much you will receive for the credit card sale.

  • Mobile Recharge

    Sell mobile recharges and earn 2% of the value on each recharge sold.

Have the best digital solutions to sell more!

Serveloja creates and develops solutions for entrepreneurs to organize, develop, and accelerate their businesses.

Bill Payment

Pay your bills through our system, app, or API and schedule everything.

Perfex CRM Module

Discover our sales CRM solution with integrated payment and recurring billing!

Mobile Recharge

Sell or recharge mobile phones from the main operators throughout Brazil and earn 2% cashback.

Serasa Credit Check

Check the customer’s detailed history before closing the sale and make safer transactions.

Online Store, Website, or Landing Page

Put your idea on the internet

We can help you create a complete online store, bringing your business to the online world.

Sell on credit for a single payment or in installments

We offer the main credit card brands, allowing your customers to pay in up to 12 interest-free installments.

Organizing an event?

We can assist in the creation and organization of your event, online registrations, and payments, which are sent directly to your email, Telegram, and Discord.

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Preço justo para seu negócio crescer mais!

Economize no seu negócio: a Serveloja negocia para você ter as menores taxas do mercado.


Sem mensalidade e sem taxa de adesão, é só começar!

R$ 0,00/mês


Para quem recebe pagamentos frequentes e deseja economizar mais.

R$ 29,90/mês


Sua empresa no automático e você focado no mais importante.

R$ 49,90/mês

Do you have a high volume of billing?

Get in touch with us to negotiate a special rate.


100% PCI Compliance

Certification with international
internacional de segurança da informação.


4004-0435 ramal 2520
(79) 99640-6766 Whatsapp

Osvaldo Lopes
Osvaldo Lopes

Owner, Óticas Portella

I found personalized service, and for me, that’s very important. I can talk to Serveloja personally when I need to.

Antonio Marcos
Antonio Marcos

Owner of Shopping das Frutas

Just want to thank Serveloja because the card reader helps me a lot, and I no longer sell on credit.

Our Seeds

We tell stories of entrepreneurs who saw opportunities in difficulties and made their dreams come true. These are “Our Seeds”.

Latest Blog Articles

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Where We Are

Aracaju – SE
Rua João Pessoa, 320 – Sala 720. Ed. Cidade de Aracaju – Aracaju – Sergipe Centro – CEP: 49010-130 | (79) 3028-9104 | google maps


Need help?

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm

Download our App

Make your sales without relying on the card reader.

Copyright © 2022 - All rights reserved | SRVLOJA* | Serveloja Tecnologia e Soluções LTDA CNPJ nº 10.773.370/0001-15. 


Libero nibh at ultrices torquent litora dictum porta info

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your payment with Switch App.

Cadastre-se e seja um Franqueado Serveloja


1 dia útil



1 dia
32 dias


1 dia útil


*Recebimento de 32 a 35 dias,conforme parcelamento.
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